Nerd on the Hill


Why is my blog named “Nerd on the Hill”

It’s quit simple, when i visit customers somewhere in Europe they always ask me if i live in Vienna. NO I live at the other end of Austria, in the Alps.

A few words about my self

My name is Hans-Peter Auer and work since 2009 at VMware as Senior Technical Account Manager. Before my VMware time, I was a working as a consulant mainly for virtualization, storage, backup and security.

Mission statement of my blog

I want to cover some whitespace areas and missing links in the IT knowledge. Because there is lots of blogs with expert content out there, but often the pots concentrated on a very specific part of a expect level problem. But bridging the gap between the beginner or intermediate level of the reader to the expert level of the post is not that easy.


The views expressed anywhere on this site are strictly mine and not the opinions and views of VMware.